Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My reluctant heart.

I walk into this empty hearted hall.
My steps heavy, my chest hollow.
My core shakes with mourning.
Nobody see's i am forever stuck in tergiversation.
I stant before myself underseige with my reflection,
getting stoned for recreation.
But i feel nothing but deep longing,
and i smile my fake smile,
knowing i will never know elation.
Not without my soldier,
with his broad but humble shoulders.
His peircing eye's, and his challenging smile
that dared me to look away,
but it was not exactly a challenge
to hold a steady gaze.
He made me think, a little to often.
He dug my grave, but i didnt stop him.
Now talk is cheap and i crave something real.
But still i make small talk,
so the open wound wont heal.
Oh i hate who i have become,
i twirl me hair and i play dumb.
Oh i've been good, pretty busy.
How about you?
Just tell me you miss me.
Words consistantly struggle to break through.
I strain myself, which ruins my health,
I lay next to him, glad i dont believe in hell.
I curse my heart, with its lack of reason for its doubts,
but the heart has reasons,
that reason knows nothing about.